After searching three grocery stores, I finally found a 6.5 kg turkey (smallest I think that I have ever cooked). I have learned 2 things about turkey buying- #1 only available Thanksgiving and Christmas. #2 only buy an 11 pound turkey or less- there are no rosters or turkey bags big enough to roast them in.
Audrey helped me cook and stuff "the bird". Sullivan pointed to the turkey and said "oh my gosh- what is that?" I almost couldn't tell him as the night before we made a crazy Thanksgiving Jib-Jab and the turkey ends up- well you know, with his head chopped off... Sullivan spent the next 1/2 hour crying for the poor bird.
Sullivan is quite the animal expert/lover - notice all the zoo trips.
Anyhow we cooked the turkey, made an apple crisp and drove to the Crandall's home in Khalifa City. We had a Thanksgiving Feast with about 7 other American families. Good conversations, piano, crafts and games for the kids. We had a great time. When we got home we talked a bit about what we are thankful for as a family. Each child said things like- "family, friends, the USA, god's creations, the beach, their beds, the house, animals, bugs, music etc." It is always good to hear what your kids are greatful for.
This year I would have to say I am thankful for friends and family- old and new. It has been exciting to come here to The UAE and meet new people and go new places, see the world- but it has been dear old friends and family members that have kept me sane and kept me going with emails and phone calls etc. There is not a day that goes by where I don't think of someone back home. And what is home? For me I used to always think of home as Canada. Even last year. But now- I think of all three places, Canada, Utah and now Abu Dhabi. Even Cairo seems like home in some ways:)
I am so greatful for a friend's early diagnosis and rapid treatment for Cancer. Emily has been an inspiration. It has been miraculous to watch her be so positive and greatful as she is battling breast cancer. I am thankful for miracles like this.
I am thankful that for some crazy reason I was born in Canada. That I was given amazing oportunities and education and religion that many in the world never ever know. I am amazed at how my life has been blessed and feel unworthy of a lot of things. There is so much poverty, racisim and hardships in this world that I and my kids will never know of- except to witness it. One thing I hope my kids take home with them from Abu Dhabi is that they have been blessed beyone belief. That a bad day of getting up early to go to school, too much homework, dishes, making beds, taking out the trash, helping with Hazel etc. is really not too bad at all. They will never know what it is like to be a toothless 80 year old woman from Sudan going house to house looking for extra houseleaning work. Or, a 50 year old Bangladeshian man working 13 hour shifts at the car wash. And those are not the bad jobs either. I am just saying...
I vow not to complain about car pool again this year!
I am greatful for Christmas- I walked into the big grocery store downtown and they had a huge "normal" christmas tree display. There was a sign that said "Merry Christmas". I mean that is remarkable! That here in the heart of Abu Dhabi that Christ is being recognized and celebrated. This is a majorly devout muslim country- and although some don't really believe in Christ as the Savior, they still believe in his miracles and healings and that he was a prophet. Just the fact that the "presence" of christmas is here- that is huge! I am excited to get a tree up and celebrate Christ's birth with my family.
I am thankful for amazing parents and siblings. I love them so much! And the list goes on....