The kid's school, Raha International has a mission statement: "We are preparing students to become successful, compassionate, confident citizens of the world - the men and women who will lead the next generation with intelligence, a profound world view and thoughtful ambition". A tall order, I know, but it was really incredible to see the 62 countries represented at the school come together for International Day and celebrate our differences and similarities. The day was true to the school's mission statement. Students sampled food, music, arts and crafts, language, customs, and more from various stalls. Parents and students were encouraged to bring tidbits from their life from their home countries to share with their peers.
Grace and Audrey each prepared a speech about life in America which they read aloud in their classes. Grace's teacher underlined and highlighted the part in her speech that read " America all girls and boys no matter what religion what color what ethnic background are all equal. We can all go to school and work and live happy lives." Both teachers thanked the kids for their speeches and Grace's talk was posted on their classroom billboard. Later they held a parade for a few students who dressed in traditional costumes. Amazing that 62 countries were represented. That is over a third of the world represented at our school! Wow!
You'll notice the girls (and I) have our Canada shirts on. The girls wanted to represent both Mom and Dad so they decided to wear their Canada shirts and blue jeans for red, white and blue. Quin wasn't happy about the absence of 'Old Glory' in their choice of outfit. Me, I'll always be Canadian at heart even though I consider the US my adopted homeland.
A side note - when we lived in Utah I always refered to "my home" as Canada. And when we first moved here - "home" was definitely Utah. Now I catch myself going "home" to our house here. I think I have finally realized that borders and passports and citizenship are just man made documents and categories. Home is where your family is.