December is here and I am pleasantly surprised at the holiday music being broadcast in the grocery store. It is only coming from a CD player in the midst of a few decorated trees, but I am happy to listen. At least there are trees for sale. My friend Tawna said two years ago there wasn't a trace of Christmas here in Abu Dhabi. Last year there were a few items and this year much more. I feel grateful looking at the Christmas selection - of gold, silver, blue and red. these are the colors to choose from. Not much, but more than I thought.
I bought this artificial tree from Carrefour- about 210 AED. That equals about 50-ish bucks... Funny thing, it has the same instructions, box, tree stand, and labeling on the limbs as my tree I bought from Target a few years back in the USA. I am sure they are all made at the same plant somewhere in China.
We also lucked out and found some Christmas stockings at a Japanese durham/dollar store. The kids and I tied them with red ribbons to the the stair railing. Grace and Sullivan are very distressed that we do not have a chimney. Audrey has assured them Santa does not expect us to have a fireplace in Abu Dhabi. How practical of St. Nick.:) Audrey also told them he just comes in through the Air Conditioning. I guess if a little chubby man can get down a chimney he can squeeze through the AC vents too.
Quin has been trying his best to keep us in the spirit of Christmas by playing BYU radio through our computers. I have been baking more breads, cinnamon rolls and such. It does help that the evenings are cooler- I think we are down now to about 70 F during the night.
Audrey had her 4th grade assembly today- nothing like the holiday flare in the USA. It centered around The South Pacific, with island dancing, tribal art and songs about the Earth. Very cute though.
Tonight we have our ward Christmas Party - maybe I will feel a rush of the festive spirit. Here's to hoping.
I just want you to know that I eat up every tiny word you write. MIss you like crazy and the kids too. It's warm here too, if that helps. All the snow is gone and it's fine to go outside with long sleeves and no jacket. Kids are depressed. I'm fine with it, but it's brought and inversion and so the air quality is ICK. Oh, well. Soak up that sun for me and I"m sooo glad about Christmas in the middle-east. You're closer than any of us to the real place, eh? Love you!