Hazel and the rolls
Sullivan enjoying UAE National Day at Raha School
Today has been one of "those" days. First off it started with me not wanting to get out of bed. I just wanted my sleep! But, alas, Quin was up, Grace was crying, Audrey needed to gather her homework still and pack for sailing class, Hazel wanted a bottle... So up we moms get.
Grace did not go to school as she is running a temp. Not high - but enough to keep her home. We got out the left over frozen turkey from thanksgiving and made a crock pot turkey noodle soup with rolls for dinner too. Hazel was a big help.
We also watched one of the new movies Lorri sent from Utah, vacummed the tv room carpet AGAIN, did a few loads of laundry, made the beds- and finally got the kids into a much needed shower. So I had a minute to check my emails without Sully wanting to play Poptropica. AND - there was a message from Raha School Administartion wanting Sullivan to come in on Tuesday for a Kindergarten Assesment!! I am so excited for him. He is so happy!
When we first decided to take this job we opted to keep Sullivan home with me because I thought the move would be a big adjustment. I was thinking I would find a few kids in the neighborhood to come over and play and maybe do a play group. Well, here in The UAE most kids start school at 3 years old. There are two levels for Kindergarten, KG 1 and KG 2. Also the British school system starts students at age 4. Sullivan turned 5 in September. He has zero friends at home during the day. He is so anxious to go to school. Now you can see why I want him to go. It is just half day and he could make friends, play and learn. Then he would be home in the afternoons with Hazel and me. I could get the errands done without him crying in all the shopping carts.
Now the messes in the kitchen and in the front room don't seem so crazy - I am just so glad he is being considered for KG.
wahoo for Sullivan! I think it's such a good idea, Piper still tells everyone that she's in Kindergarten, but she really should be in first grade! He's going to love it. So great to chat with you! Tons of love to you all!
ReplyDeleteoh, and sailing class? How cool is that?