Hazel and Sul bundled up for a winter morning walk.
Morning view from our back deck.
All I can say is "Ahhhh...".
Now I understand why people live here.
The weather is absolutely amazing right now. Actually it has been since the middle of November and continues, so far - through January. Back in September, we arrived to a smothering sticky heat. Now we sleep with our windows open, snuggled deep in downfilled comforters. Mornings are cool and full of fluffy clouds. The kids wear their school sweaters and eat hot oatmeal for breakfast. By lunch the day is warm - around 75-85 degrees. We still make our way to the beach and pools. I don't mind sitting in the sun reading a book, or playing at the park. Sunsets are the best - full of orange glow and cooler temps. I had Quin grab a few long sleeve jackets for the kids and myself while he was at home last week. I wish I had brought more socks.
I was anxiously awaiting all the rain everyone was predicting for January. I miss a good rain storm. We have had a few over cast, misty mornings. There was one day of rain - but that's it so far. We had a letter posted to our front door warning us to have extra towels and plastic sheets ready to drape over furniture in case of heavy rain. I guess these homes were not made for sealing out moisture. And even if they were, the heat of the summer bakes and cracks all the seals. So far we've stayed dry.
Today was a bit warmer. Maybe like 90 degrees. I felt myself stifle a panic attack - remembering the blazing heat of the past. A good reminder to get out and enjoy what is left of these "winter" days.
Beautiful photos. Almost makes me miss the summer.
ReplyDeleteOk, I'm really coming now!