Cathedral de Notre-Dame, Paris!

One sunny afternoon we walked down the Seine and stopped at Notre Dame Cathedral. It is amazing to look at- so much detail in the architecture. The stained glass windows are brilliant and the kids loved finding the gargoyles!

Inside the church -cool to think that many of France's Kings and Queens were crowned here!

This is the place to which all signposts in France refer to when they give the distance from Paris. (Whew! That is a mouthful...)

Great pic of the front - also showing the beauty of the "Rose Window" above the main entrance. This was one of our warmer days in Paris. It rained a lot while we were there. There were tons of birds chirping and flitting about these hedges.

The kids watched someone feed a small bird right out of their hands. The kids were determined to try it...

We had better luck with the pigeons.

Even me... they liked curry chips the best!

Sully loving it!

I love this pic of Audrey! The kids said this was the best day of the whole trip! When I ask them about Paris they still say they loved the birds best!
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