Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Abu Dhabi- Round 2.

Okay, so yes, I was a bit bummed about being back here after the first week. It was weird I felt this way because I really did miss a lot of things, a lot of conveniences, a lot of people, a lot of just random things. I missed life here, I missed how our family was, I missed good milk, the swimming pool, the enchantment of muggy nights listening to the call to prayer. There is a certain relaxed feel, a laid back-ness, a calm that exists here - maybe because you just realize that you will never be ahead of such a city as this. The fashion is always changing, people are moving in and out in droves, stores are stocked and then empty with items you want and think you need...but you can never have it all here. I think when you come to terms with that - you relax. There is always something bigger, newer, taller, flashier, more expensive. Some people may get depressed or stressed about this, but me, I'm trying to just enjoy it as it comes. All that flashy stuff makes Dubai and Abu Dhabi really cool, but I love the nights just relaxing with friends and family - eating fresh, spicy food under the glow of the full moon. I love the humidity and heat of the night air- not talking 120 degrees, but 80 is good.

We had some good friends visit us last night from the US and Canada - I am grateful for them in many ways. When someone is visiting and exploring your country or in this case your country of residence, you cannot help but feel the excitement and amazement of what they are experiencing. It rubs off on you and I found myself falling in love again with the UAE all over again. So many great things here - religion, education, family, good food, the desert, etc. I will not lie - the overwhelming heat of August and September is unbearable. You almost feel yourself losing your mind during the day. I'm counting down the days until mid-October, when the weather changes, the dampness lessens and the air catches a cool breeze.

I look forward to what this new year brings! Glad my blues have dissolved, ready to enjoy and embrace this place once again.