Saturday, March 9, 2013

Mom and Jaimee Visit!

So excited to have Mom and Jaimee here!  I knew they were coming for about a month- but the kids had no idea.  So fun to surprise them!
Quin took Audrey to Dubai to pick them up.  Mom and Jaimee arrived after about 40 hours of airports and flights- Jaimee coming from Dixie College and Mom from Toronto.  Jaimee met mom in Boston and they flew straight through to Dubai.

Mom, Grace and Hazel reading and looking through school work.  Once a teacher, always a teacher!

Mom and Jaimee were real troopers.  After about six hours of sleep they got up and went to church with us.  Mom's bags are still in Boston so she had to borrow some stuff from me. Hopefully she gets her luggage soon. So glad we had the new chapel to go to.