Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Today's thoughts...

This summer passed so fast - so fun and crazy!  I find myself reflecting a lot on the last two months...but that is for another blog post, one where I really have time to sit and pour out my emotions.  I don't know if I am ready for that yet.

Abu Dhabi - round three.  Here we are.  A very nice homecoming, coming back halfway around the world and settling into our old routine in our same villa from last year.  That made the transition back to the Middle East at whole lot easier.

We had a quick adjustment time - two days.  One day to sleep and one day to get new uniforms, lunch box essentails, and hopefully a shower squeezed into that time frame.  It took the kids and I about a week to get back on sleeping schedule. 

The school year started great; we got teachers that we "unofficially requested".   Both Sullivan and Hazel have grade team leaders as their teachers.  Grace is enjoying her iPad class.  She insisted that during our settling-in meeting I tell Mr. Grant, her teacher, that he was the best teacher at the school.  Audrey is enjoying middle school, loving being in her good friend Holly's class, and rotating teachers throughout the day.

Hazel started pre-K this year.  I was torn between keeping her home and sending her.  Last year it was just her and I.  We did a lot of baking, play-doh making, swimming, beach days, painting, etc.  We also did a lot of running around - errands, crying, heat exhaustion-filled activities, more crying...stuff she didn't necessarily like to do. Stuff I am not sure I liked doing either - who likes to shop at three different grocery stores in one day? Hazel is doing great in school.  Swimming lessons, library, PE, Playground, stories, puzzles, drawing, music...  She just goes mornings, but I miss her.  With her being gone I am not going to the beach and painting and reading funny picture books... I am trying to exercise, baking big people food, cleaning out closets, etc.  I must admit I enjoy doing a few things by myself but I miss those days that were not too long ago...

I look at Audrey who is closing in on twelve years.  She could be away at college in 6 years time.  Have I taught her well?  Have I been a good parent?  A good listener?  Sometimes I feel like I am always telling her what to do, what to wear, hurry up and get ready... but have I listened enough?  Have I been a good sounding board so she knows what she WANTS to wear, to be, to become...  I hope.

Sullivan just turned seven yesterday. It's hard for me to believe.   How could these years roll by so swiftly?  He wanted to go to school so badly mostly because he wanted me to bring in a treat to share with his classmates.  We settled on ice-cream bars, an authentic American treat to share.  He was so happy and proud to stand at the door and hand them out to his classmates.  That smile that beamed from his sweaty face was priceless.  Funny how I was so worried about finding the 'right' gift for him and all he cared about was sharing a yummy treat with his classroom pals.  That kids never ceases to amaze me.

Grace has decided to swap in her dream of becoming a world wrestling champ for becoming an Olympic Gymnast.  Our good friend Halie started coaching gymnastics at a local club and convinced us of its authenticity.  We decided to try it out.  Grace is now going twice a week and begging to camp there nightly.  She is on a protein-eating kick and is found doing splits and back handsprings wherever I find her in the villa.  I have no doubt Grace will succeed in whatever she puts her mind to.  I hope I have the energy to support her every endeavor.

Life is good - really when I reflect on all my numerous blessings I am overcome with emotion.  I have four amazing, beautiful, unique kids.  They are all healthy, literate, artistic, creative, religious, moral beings.  They keep me grounded, keep me laughing, crying, and praying... I love them.