Monday, May 20, 2013

Mothers Day
A lot to be thankful for.
1. All my kids live with me.
2. My husband and I live in the same country (and are still 100% in love).
3. We are American  (&Canadian)  Citizens.
4.  We belong to an amazing and true church.
5. I understand that I am, and everyone of us is a child of God.
6. My mother just visited us in Abu Dhabi for about one month.
7. My family all enjoys good physical health.
8. I just rekindled my love for lentils.
9. We were able to visit the Holy Lands with our kids and return in relatively good financial standing.
10. Strawberries and watermelons are still in season.

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of the girl with the Rose. I grabbed the hi res shot and put her on display in my home life size in a large digital picture frame. I love seeing her good looks and I love showing her off and bragging about how good looking she is. I also have her displayed life size in my bedroom because secretly when no one is around I love to walk up and admire her good looks and kiss her on the mouth and lips.
